A Parish within North East Hampshire Pastoral Area
Bringing people closer to Jesus Christ through His Church

Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth
Please help us financially...
We need your help to fund running your parish

Aldershot Catholic Parish covers the whole of Aldershot and comprises the congregations of St Joseph's Catholic Church, Queens Road and St Mary's Catholic Church, Belle Vue Road. We are part of the wider Pastoral Area of North East Hampshire within the Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth. Registered charity no. 1199568.
The present time is difficult for all of us, and we are particularly mindful of those whose jobs and lives were put on hold because of the COVID pandemic and now the cost of living crisis. We are here for you during these difficult times.
So that we can continue to provide that support, we ask all of the faithful who are able to do so, to continue their regular giving to the parish which would otherwise lose vital income.
Please also see the message from Fr Rob about Sensible Giving.
You can now donate by debit or credit card online here.
Donating to our running costs
If you don't already give by Standing Order, please consider making a regular donation via Standing Order or by online banking. Our parish's weekly income does not cover the running costs of the parish. If you attend Mass, if you usually give by cash, please consider using bank transfer instead as it reduces the amount of cash we need to handle and also the need to count and bank it.
Please also consider Gift-Aiding your regular giving. If you pay UK Income Tax and sign a Gift-Aid declaration, we can reclaim an extra 25% on top of your donation at no cost to you. Please click here for a Gift Aid Form.
You can also make a one-off payment or set up a regular payment through online banking, using your name as a reference. Our bank details are:
Account name: CDP Aldershot St Joseph
Account No. 00873072
Sort Code: 30-93-04